
作者: 时间:2022-10-15 点击数:






Research ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3025-8331


1. 耐药性肿瘤诊疗

2. 活性短肽的设计与制备

3. 生物医用高分子材料



2022-至今  同济大学医学院   博士后 导师:郑加麟/杜建忠 教授

2019-2012 同济大学材料科学与工程学院 博士  导师:范震 教授

2018-2019 同济大学杜建忠课题组 高分子材料系 科研助理


1. Sun, M.; Tao, Y.; Wang, C. Y.; Fan, Z.*; Ehud Gazit*; Du, J. Z.*, Ultrasound-Responsive Peptide Nanogels to Balance Conflicting Requirements for Deep Tumor Penetration and Prolonged Blood Circulation. ACS Nano 2022, 16, 9183-9194.

2. Sun, M.; Wang, C. Y.; Lv, M. C.; Fan, Z.*; Du, J. Z.*, Intracellular Self-Assembly of Peptides to Induce Apoptosis against Drug-Resistant Melanoma, Journal of the American Chemical Society 2022, 144, 7337.

3. Sun, M.; Ji. Z. K.; He, L.; Zhao, C. Z.; Ma, L.; Xu, X. Z.; Cornel, E. J.; Fan, Z.*; Xu, X. B.*, Instant Intracellular Delivery of miRNA via Photothermal Effect Induced on Plasmonic Pyramid Arrays, Advanced Functional Materials 2022, 32, 2107999.

4. Sun, M.; Wang, C. Y.; Lv, M. C.; Fan, Z.*; Du, J. Z.*, Mitochondrial-targeting nanoprodrugs to mutually reinforce metabolic inhibition and autophagy for combating resistant cancer, Biomaterials 2021, 278, 121168.

5. Sun, M.; He, L.; Fan, Z.*; Tang, R. P.*; Du, J. Z.*, Effective treatment of drug-resistant lung cancer via a nanogel capable of reactivating cisplatin and enhancing early apoptosis, Biomaterials 2020, 257, 120252.

6. Sun, M.; Li, D.; Wang, X.; He, L.; Lv X. D.; Xu, Y.; Tang, R. P.*, Intestine-penetrating, pH-sensitive and Double-layered Nanoparticles for Oral Delivery of Doxorubicin with Reduced Toxicity. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2019, 7, 3692-3703.

7. Sun, M.; He, L.; Wang, X.; He, L.; Lv X. D.; Xu Y.; Tang, R. P.*, Acid-breakable TPGS-functionalized and Diallyl Disulfide-Crosslinked Nanogels for Enhanced Inhibition of MCF-7/ADR Solid Tumours. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2019, 7, 240-250.

8. Sun, M.; Wang, X.; Cheng, X.; He, L.; Yan, G. Q.; Tang, R. P.*, TPGS-functionalized and Ortho Ester-Crosslinked Dextran Nanogels for Enhanced Cytotoxicity on Multidrug Resistant Tumor Cells. Carbohydrate polymers 2018, 198, 142-154.


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