Polymer Vesicles: Modular Platforms for Cancer Theranostics

作者:Fangyingkai Wang, Jiangang Xiao, Shuai Chen, Hui Sun, Bo Yang, Jinhui Jiang and Jianzhong Du* 时间:2018-03-25 点击数:


As an emerging field that is receiving an increasing amount of interest, theranostics is becoming increasingly important in the field of nanomedicine. Among the various smart platforms that have been proposed for use in theranostics, polymer vesicles (or polymersomes) are among the most promising candidates for integration of designated functionalities and modalities. Here, a brief summary of typical theranostic platforms is presented with a focus on modular polymer vesicles. To highlight modularity, the different methodologies for designing therapeutic and diagnostic modules are classified and current examples of theranostic vesicles that excel in both performance and design principle are provided. Finally, future prospects for theranostic polymer vesicles that can be readily prepared with functional modules are proposed. Overall, theranostic polymer vesicles with modular modalities and functions are more promising in nanomedicine than simply being “overengineered”.


文章链接:Advanced Materials 2018, 30, 1705674.






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